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Chat Commands - Text-to-Speech (TTS)

This page provides you with detailed instructions on how to use the text-to-speech (TTS) commands of JeetBot.

Changing the TTS Voice - !tts voice-name

JeetBot allows users to change the text-to-speech voice used to read out messages. To change the voice, simply type !tts followed by the name of the voice. For example, to change the voice to default one, type !tts baya.

Using TTS with Messages

Once the TTS voice has been set, there are two ways for users to have their messages read out:

  • Channel Points Reward: Use the "Highlight My Message" reward. Messages sent using this reward will be read out using the current TTS voice.
  • TTS Prefix: Add !!! before your message. Any message that starts with !!! will be read out. Only if streamer enabled free tts, or you have enough bot points to use it.

List of Available TTS Voices

For a list of all available TTS voices, users can type the command !tts list into the chat. This command returns a link that directs the user to a page containing all available voices. Alternatively, you can click here to see the list of all available TTS voices and test them.